Sunday Morning…

Oat milk with hazelnut frothing my mash up of Sumatra coffee and Guatemalan espresso. Butter, my eleven month old rescue, thinks it appropriate to jump on me to wake up at 5am to get the day started. “Five more minutes,” I mutter to this dog/child. “Five more…”. Butter will give me as many minutes as I want after I feed his belly and let him out to do his morning business. He is now snoring contentedly behind me in his crate with the door open. Snoozing away to the lullabies of Billie Holiday as I type away. I can hear my partner starting his morning shower. Chucky, our orange tabby, is hiding out in the basement after his breakfast. My coffee is still hot. Damn that’s good. Oh, it’s the little things. Happy Sunday family.



Thérèse Plummer

Just because….Short stories of the fifth kid of eight, audiobook narrator, actor, Queen trying to figure it out like everyone else.